M25 Could See Heathrow Upgrades
With plans for a third Heathrow runway securely underway, the M25 could also see upgrades to accommodate the increase of traffic.
Ideas for tunnelling and upgrading alongside the existing section would increase capacity without interfering with existing traffic flow.
Heathrow is set to become an even bigger airport hub with an estimated 100,000 new jobs to be created bringing at least £100billion of economic benefits to the UK.
Discussions have been taking place with local residents and businesses, the public, businesses around the country, passengers, airlines and elected representatives across the UK’s nations and regions. They have now found new improvements to its initial proposition in July last year to the Airports Commission.
These are as follows:
- By 2030, at least a 30% reduction in the number of people in Heathrow’s noise footprint to deliver the lowest noise levels since the 1970s
- Located farther south, the updated runway proposal affects 200 fewer homes, preserves historical buildings in Harmondsworth and maintains the existing M25/M4 junction
- New section of M25 to be tunnelled and upgraded alongside the existing section, increasing capacity and reducing congestion without disrupting road users
- 12,000 fewer people will be affected by significant noise by moving the proposed runway farther south
- A total compensation fund of over £550m allocated for noise insulation and property compensation. This is more generous than previously proposed for a third runway and proposals for most other infrastructure projects. (Proposed residential property compensation includes: 25% above market value for properties subject to compulsory purchase; stamp-duty costs on a new home; legal fees paid)
- Improvements in schools, publicly accessible green space and flood protection for local communities.